Posting on desktop
Click the "Create Article" button at the top of the page to go to the article posting page.
Posting on mobile
Tap the menu icon in the top left corner to display the My Page menu.
Tap "Create Article" to go to the article posting page.
Posting from a pixiv tag (Available in Japanese, desktop version only)
If you go to a work's page on pixiv and hover your mouse over one of the tags, you'll see a link to pixiv Encyclopedia. You can click this link to go to the article posting page and make a new article for that tag.
If there's already an article for that tag, the link will take you to that article.
* After posting an article with the same title as a tag, it may take some time for the article information to show up on the main pixiv site.
You cannot make a new article with the same title as an existing article. Please search for the article with the same title, and edit the existing article.
You can add notations like headings and lists to an article. For more information, check the help article about notations on pixiv Encyclopedia.
Article Title, Overview, Category, and Main Article are required fields in order to post an article.