This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.
pixiv Encyclopedia (“Service”) is a “collaborative encyclopedia” that provides detailed explanations and commentary regarding all types of words, phenomena, culture, and creative works ranging from anime to manga, videogames, and art. pixiv Inc. (“Company”) defines its ideal for the Service as “building a more robust fan community by allowing fans of all media to explain their favorite things in their own words”.
The Company stipulates these pixiv Encyclopedia Guidelines (“Guidelines”) to help create a place where users can enjoy editing and viewing articles with peace of mind, and to ensure the sound and smooth operation of services. For the purposes of these Guidelines, the articles that users post and edit using the Service (including the titles, phonetic Japanese readings (where applicable), main text, summaries, edit content, editing histories, and the like of such articles) and the comments on such articles are collectively referred to as “Articles etc.” Moreover, these Guidelines provide a detailed explanation of the rules that should be kept in mind to avoid the enumerated conduct, prohibitions, and problems covered by Article 14 of the pixiv Inc. Service Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms of Use”).
If you discover that an article posted to the Service contains insufficient information, typographical errors, or the like, by all means take the initiative to supplement or correct it. Likewise, please help us keep content in order by avoiding the duplication and overproduction of articles and the overcomplication of any single article, and bringing readers to articles that address a manageable range of events and topics.
At the same time, the content that users feel should and should not be included in Articles etc. will inevitably differ from user to user, and depending on the characteristics of events or the common practices of communities etc., there may be many different perspectives on how much should be written about which topics. Therefore, when conflicts arise between users concerning the editorial policies for an article, users should refrain from making assertions that advance only their own point of view, and from repeatedly editing the article in a unilateral manner. The first step must be to try to resolve the conflict by using the comments section etc. to have interparty discussions and work to develop the content of the article. Likewise, users should refrain from (among other activity) declaring as fact things that only a work’s original creator can determine or content that is based on personal conjecture or feelings, because such behavior makes it very difficult to resolve editorial policy disputes.
These Guidelines have been stipulated independently by the Company, and the Company will amend them at its discretion in response to social or environmental changes etc. Please be advised that matters not provided for herein will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Master Terms of Use.
Measures Regarding Prohibited Acts and Content
As a rule, the Company will not involve itself with the editing or the content of articles. However, in cases where an act or an Article etc. subject to prohibition under the Master Terms of Use or these Guidelines has come to light, and where otherwise deemed necessary by the Company, the Company may take the measures set forth in Article 15 of the Master Terms of Use and/or the measures listed below at its discretion and without prior notice. Please be advised that the Company is not obligated to take any such measure and cannot respond to inquiries concerning the reasons such measures are taken.
- Sending warning messages to users
- Locking articles (making it so that no user can edit such articles)
- Word locking (making it impossible to post articles using the same words or same title)
- Rolling articles back to their previous states (returning articles to the state before they included prohibited acts or content)
- Deleting comments
- Deleting editing histories
- Deleting articles
- Suspending pixiv accounts
Prohibited Acts
When using the Service, users shall not engage in acts that fall under or are deemed by the Company to fall under any of the following; provided, however, that the acts listed below are merely examples of prohibited acts, and the Company may regard other acts as prohibited.
- Removing without good reason Articles etc. that are not in breach of the Master Terms of Use or these Guidelines
- Editing other people’s Articles etc. many more times than necessary, or otherwise excessively and/or repeatedly editing articles
- Using multiple accounts to make posts, edits, comments, reports, or the like with the same or similar purport
- Using a crawler or other such program to collect articles, comments, etc.
- Imposing loads on servers of the Service beyond the normal extent
- Posting or editing articles with excessive frequency
- Commenting with excessive frequency
- Otherwise accessing servers with excessive frequency
Prohibited Content
On the Service, it is prohibited to post in Articles etc. any content that falls under or is deemed by the Company to fall under the following; provided, however, that the following are merely examples of prohibited content, and the Company may regard other content as prohibited.
- Material contrary to the aims of an encyclopedia
- Articles not created as explanations of events or topics
- Article content not relevant to the article title
- Articles lacking content
- Articles that do not contain sufficient information
- Articles that list meaningless terms or language
- Material that will not be fully understandable to third parties, such as personal memos
- Material not intended for the purposes of explanation/commentary, such as novels, essays, or diaries
- Republication from other websites, books, etc.
- Material that reproduces text from Wikipedia, dictionaries, or the like beyond the extent of a Quotation
- Information that can identify individuals
- Material that can identify an individual, such as the name, address, employer, or phone number of a poster or third party
- Information concerning the victims, suspects, etc. of incidents or accidents
* Does not include information that entertainers, writers, professional athletes, or other such parties have made public on their own initiative
- Material intended for harassment
- Material abusive of others
- Material that defames, threatens, harasses, or inflicts economic or psychological harm or hardship on the Company, other users of the Service, or other third parties
- Fake news, leaks, premature publication, and other material spreading information that is not yet publicly announced against the will of the parties concerned
- Material that treats as accepted fact any content whose truth or falsehood is difficult to verify
- Falsehoods
- Conspiracy theories, electoral activities, etc.
- Material intended to benefit or disadvantage particular political or religious groups or the like
- Articles consisting entirely of a language different from the language of provision of the Service
- Example: Posting, to the pixiv Encyclopedia’s Japanese edition, an article whose title and content is written mostly in English
- Age-restricted content
- Material not appropriate for persons under 18 years of age
- Material associated with sex, or material that depicts the same and evokes imagery of genital penetration or intercourse or sex acts
- Intensely violent, dangerous, or shocking material
- Scenes of excessive cruelty, material that is excessively shocking or can be expected to lead to the imitation of such material
- Material not appropriate for persons under 18 years of age
- Other material that the Company deems unsuitable
Enacted: 3 29, 2023